We have the techniques that can provide you with the evidence and documentation that you may require to resolve a very costly personal injury or workers compensation claim. Our fraud agents are experts in cover surveillance, witness interviews and covert video and photo documentation.
Don’t simply take a claim that seems fraudulent without a fight. Let us find out if your suspicions can be confirmed. We work with business owners and insurance companies to ensure that these claims are paid to those who deserve it, and aren’t to those who don’t.
Is your “injured” employee dancing the night away and doing heavy lifting after hours? Is the claimant who supposedly can’t drive cruising around town regularly? Let East Coast Private Investigations provide video surveillance and witness testimony to expose the fraudulent claim for what it is, and put a stop to wasted spending.
Learn more by calling 910-341-0006 or stop by one of our six offices located throughout eastern North and South Carolina.